Trail Rules
“Take nothing but memories,
leave nothing but footprints“
The Carrollton GreenBelt
Trail Rules
Your cooperation will help make the trail safer for everyone.
- The trail is open to all non-motorized users. (Motorized wheelchairs are allowed).
- The trail is open from dawn to dusk. The trail is closed at night.
- Trail users should refrain from venturing onto posted private property.
- Alcoholic beverages and drugs are not allowed on the trail.
- Vandalism and theft of trail amenities will result in prosecution.
- Reckless use of bicycle which endangers other trail users is prohibited.
- As a courtesy to others please refrain from smoking while on the trail.
City Park
The Carrollton GreenBelt is a linear city park. The City of Carrollton government has approved the trail rules and regulations.
Daylight Hours
While we do not post opening hours, the trail is open dawn to dusk – like any other city park.
Non-motorized use only
The trail, all the spurs, and adjacent walking paths or boardwalks are for non-motorized vehicles only.
Motorized vehicles are any vehicles that use an engine or motor to propel themselves and include, but are not limited to:
- Golf carts
- Scooters, mopeds, and motorcycles
- Hoverboards
- Power wheels
Exception: Motorized Wheelchairs are welcome!
Trail Etiquette
The GreenBelt is a multi-use trail optimized for pedestrian and bicycle use. Trail etiquette helps identify the best practices that help everyone enjoy their time on the trail.
General rules
Users must stay on the trail. No trespassing on private property.
Stay in the right lane – let oncoming and faster travellers to pass you.
Do not disturb nature – do not pick flowers or touch wild animals
Do not litter. Do not overfil trash cans or contaminate recycling bins with non-recyclable items.